Affiliate Marketing Marketing campaign Market Analysis –


Know your enemy and know yourself and you can fight a hundred battles without disaster“- Sun Tzu

I love to watch movies about war.

Everyone loves the action and the fight scenes, right?

I’m kind of weird because I love everything that happens In front The.

I love when they send out spies to find out more about the enemy. It is fascinating to see the leaders look at a map and develop a combat strategy.

I remember seeing a movie as a teenager.

An army had to take over the enemy castle in the 1500s. They could storm the castle with battering rams and ladders, but that would have cost them thousands of lives.

Instead, they researched the villagers to get information about how the castle worked.

They found that the castle was not prepared for a siege – they only had food for a few weeks.

Instead of storming the castle, they decided to surround the castle and wait. They would run out of food and morale would drop.

Eventually, the people inside the castle caused a mutiny.

You won this fight without lose a single man. It did so because they were patient and researched.

A good strategy is about being efficient.

I think about it when it comes to doing sales or conversions online. I go to war and want every possible advantage.

You want to lose as few soldiers as possible in a battle – you want to lose as few dollars as possible in a campaign.

When it comes to running an affiliate marketing campaign it comes in the form of Market research.

The more you know about your audience, the easier it will be to do this conversion. It is an essential step that I see many partners skip.

I know some of you have smaller budgets. they tilt Use the “machine gun” or throw a shot against the wall until something sticks to the strategy.

You have to be precise, like a sniper.

I’m going to show you why market research is so important and some of the tools I use to research campaigns.

Why You Should Research Your Market

Market research takes time and isn’t as exciting as some other parts of a campaign.

I get it. You want to get started as soon as possible and make a profit.

So let’s talk about how it can help you with campaigns.

1. It helps with your alignment

Targeting means what Segment of the audience They show your ads in your traffic source.

Sometimes the most obvious targeting isn’t the best.

For example, if you are promoting makeup products on YouTube, it makes sense to target makeup / beauty channels.

But everyone else thinks exactly the same and the competition is getting tough.

You will go head-to-head against the big makeup brands and they are likely to raise the bids.

Instead, you can research the audience to see what other “affinities” they might have.

This means you have an audience of people who buy makeup – where else are you hanging out? What are you still up for?

Well, maybe they like celebrity gossip and drama.

Targeting these channels can mean targeting a similar audience, but with much less competition.

2. It helps when writing texts

Copywriting is the art of using your words to sell. The more convincing you can be, the more sales you will make.

One thing I really like about copying is overcome people’s objections.

This means there are reasons to discourage someone from buying what you offer.

It is better to address it directly than to ignore it.

For example, let’s say you want to advertise an offer to produce lead for solar energy. What are people worried about?

I can google solar frequently asked questions and see some objections:

  1. Will my home have electricity when the sun isn’t shining or when the weather is bad?
  2. What kind of tax breaks and incentives are there?

People won’t sign up until they know the answers to these questions.

Research lets me know WHAT her pain points are WHY they buy and WHY they wouldn’t buy.

You can incorporate some of these goals into your headings, ads, viewpoints, landing page copies, emails, and more.

3. Know what the competition is doing

In addition to researching the audience directly, you also need to research the competitors.

You may have already found some successful ads and landing pages. You can make variations of what already works instead of starting over.

Don’t be afraid of the competition – This means the offer is converting and there is a hungry audience.

Trying to find a “hot offer” with no competition is like trying to find a high-traffic, low-rent New York City retail space.

5 places for market research

So now that you know how you can benefit from market research – how can you put this into practice?

I’m only interested in the 80/20 – we won’t do focus groups or face-to-face interviews.

Don’t kill an ant with a sledgehammer.

There are many places online that you can do market research for your campaigns.

Here are a few tools I recommend.

1. Facebook Audience Insights

This is one of the most underrated market research tools.

You can find it in the ad manager.

There are several ways to use the tools including researching the entire Facebook audience, targeting specific Facebook Pages you own, analyzing custom audiences like an email list you uploaded, and more.

Some things to look for:

  • Demographic information, e.g. B. Age, gender, etc.
  • Which pages and influencers the audience follows. What are their interests? This can help you broaden your targeting.
  • Place. This is great when you want to focus on specific countries.

If you find that your audience is 80% women and 20% men, how does that affect your viewing angles / colors / and ads?

Learn more about Facebook Audience Insights here

2. Niche Subreddits

Reddit is a great place to learn what people are Really Saying. It’s like overhearing conversations about your topic.

Do you promote makeup? Drop in
Promote coffee gadgets?
Advertise a Jiujitsu Brand?

You understand what it is about.

Here’s a pro tip: create an account and ask questions.

Advertisement for a dog leash offer? Go to / r / dogs and ask “What is the main problem you have with your current dog leash?

Boom, now you can get dozens of answers and marketing angles for free.

Pro type: Reddit users are actually pretty good at targeting marketers / researchers. I recommend creating an account, actually building a history, and joining the community first.

3. BuzzSumo

Buzzsumo is a tool that allows you to see what content is most viral and shared on a given topic.

I entered “acne”. Let’s see what I found:

It looks like the most viral thing is a woman drinking her dog’s urine to get rid of her acne.

Now I don’t know how to use that as a straight angle for your listing. It’s a bit weird, but I would also be concerned about the potential legal / health risks.

Instead, let’s decrease the angle. It’s about using an ingredient that people don’t expect.

A quick search reveals some weird things like banana peel.

You could use the banana peel and your product as a secret ingredient to get rid of acne.

4. Spy tools

Spy tools make it easy to see the ads, angles, and landing pages your competitors are serving.

I have always advised using what you see as inspiration and not directly copying others. The audience has been exposed to the ads countless times and is likely to be banner blind.

Some recommendations:

If your focus is on Facebook, use AdSpy.
Everything else (native, push, eCom, mobile) is used Adplexity.

5. Look for reviews of mainstream products

There is likely a “mainstream” version of the product that you are promoting out there.

Promote acne? There is Proactiv.
Apply for an insurance offer? There is Geico.
Promote weight loss? There is Jenny Craig.

I quickly searched for Proactiv on Amazon to see what people are saying about it:

I can see that people are mainly complaining about how many chemicals it contains and they advise you to go for a more “natural” solution instead.

I also see the term “harmful” and that this product could harm your skin.

So, some simple angles could focus on making sure your offering is natural, and not using harmful chemicals like other acne treatments.

Go the extra inch

I am sure you have the phrase “Go the extra mile.

I prefer the term “go the extra inches.

This means that the small efforts add up over time.

  • Perform these additional split tests
  • No more angles? Brainstorm a few more.
  • Have a few more conversations with your affiliate manager to help build that relationship
  • Take that extra step to better understand your audience.

These just take a little more effort, but it adds up.

Featured image from MinervaStock

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