Google AdSense introduces new quicker AdSense embed code


Google has announced that it will release a new version of its AdSense code that will improve ad performance. I expect it will do better with the updates on the page experience and key web vitals metrics.

Google wrote that “a new version of the AdSense code was recently introduced. The new AdSense code allows AdSense to trigger optimization features earlier that can improve the performance of the ads on your site. The new ad code works for both auto ads and also for ad units “. . “

Here’s what the new code looks like for both auto ads and ad units (click to enlarge):

click for full size

Google said you don’t need to update the old code to the new code. Google wrote, “There is no need to replace the existing ad code on your website.” “However, feel free to update your ad code if you want to take advantage of the new optimization features,” added the company.

Google also said you avoid mixing old and new ad code on the same page.

Is anyone testing this to see if the new type of code does better with Core Web Vitals?

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