Google introduces a brand new AdSense report web page for publishers


Google announced that there is a new one AdSense Report page for publishers.

Google has the Reports page in AdSense to give publishers insights into their account performance. The page consists of Diagrams and Tablesthat provide an overview of trends and important key figures.

In addition, publishers can also create, save, and schedule custom reports. This makes it easy to see how certain metrics are performing and how they may have changed over time.

Now, Google is making the AdSense reports page even more useful.

On Tuesday, the search and advertising giant announced a new AdSense reporting page that is easier to use. In addition to quick access to data, the new page also offers a better one Cell phone, mobile phone device Experience.

The support page for Google AdSense is:

“To make it easier and faster to get insights into your account performance, we’re introducing a new, improved Reports page in AdSense.”

There is more.

Via the new Google AdSense report page

Reports: Get insights into your ad performance / AdSense help page

According to Google, the new report page will be introduced in phases. As a result, it can take up to two weeks for it to appear in all platform user accounts.

When you update your account, you will be automatically activated for new reporting. However, publishers can also switch to the old report page before Google retires later in the year.

The new report page is easier to use, with a redesigned user interface and a new one Metrics picker. It also includes an information icon in the user interface to provide further help in the product.

With this in mind, Google has put some restrictions on the site. For one, reporting data for all AdSense products is now limited to the past three years.

The search giant also removed them all Youtube and AdMob Reporting dates. These restrictions will make reports more accurate, Google said.

However, this also means that publishers who want to download data that is more than three years old have until the end of 2020.

Read more: Google Says Most Websites Don’t Have To Worry About The Crawl Budget

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