How Utah Backside Entrepreneur Travis Bott has mastered network marketing


Crypto thought leader Travis Bott is driving network marketing by establishing positive cycles of maintenance that will boost both the well-being of his consumers and the earnings potential of his businesses.

A great example is his health and wellness MLM project Lurra Life that hit Synergistic partnerships with reward providers that provide massive incentives for fitness milestones.

For example, Lurra Life’s My10KLif initiative provides incentives for users to take more than 10,000 steps per day by offering them rewards that can be used with the help of other reward providers that von Bott has strategically linked to the company.

This creates a self-sustaining ecosystem as the rewards give Lurra Life users more financial priority – which in turn provides better fitness goals and enables even more rewards, more consumers and more business between Lurra Life and its reward partners.

The same model is very successful in the crypto space with the new partnership between Bott’s digital wallet company Beyond Global and the reward provider Coin Zoom.

For more information on how this partnership works, check out this new article featured on the Daily Front Row right now.

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